Rohini College of Engineering and Technology,top10 engineering college in Kanyakumari 2023, was established in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu with the aim of providing value-added technical education with flair of professional excellence and ethical values. RCET has a spacious campus, state-of-the-art infrastructure and an esteemed faculty of scholars trained at leading universities in India and abroad. The institution grooms thoroughbred professionals focused on outcome-based education, project-based learning, research acumen and an entrepreneurial spirit to contribute to the society at large.

Focus on quality has been the hallmark of RCET from inception onwards. Benchmarking against the best be it in academics or in administration, is practiced as a policy with the conviction that only institutions that can upgrade to and maintain global standards will survive in the new millennium. Now Rohini College of Engineering and Technology has achieved the greatest recognition with the A+ grade recognition from NAAC. The education, quality of learning and the tools used infrastructure, facilities, teaching resources, management, environment and all these correlated factors with engineering education at RCET are taken into consideration for getting the NAAC A+ grade accreditation.
Rohini College of Engineering and Technology, top10 engineering college in Kanyakumari 2023, offers all the top-notch facilities for their students to grow them personally and professionally. RCET places the focus on industry and student partnership through their MOUs, partnership cells etc, all-round wholesome growth of the learners through physical fitness/ sports & games coaching/training activities, and extra-curricular/extension activities.
Quality placements during the penultimate and final semesters become institutional legacy and commitment. Being a premier institution with the reputation of a major skill training institute, RCET is committed in pursuing the task of knowledge upgrading of the general public, promotion of the latest skill-education and creation of a conducive environment for entrepreneurship development in society. The task of grooming the nation’s builders and professionals in the field of technology is thus shouldered by Rohini College of Engineering and Technology, top 10 engineering college in Kanyakumari 2023.
For Contact Details:
Address: Near Anjugramam JN,
Kanyakumari Main Road,
Palkulam, Tamilnadu,
Phone: +91 8531088888
Website :